Lawn Aeration
Homeowners and business owners want lawns looking their best. But maintaining a lush, green lawn isn’t always easy. Sometimes, the grass thins, withers, and loses its healthy green color. The soil feels spongy or hard to the touch. When it rains, the soil doesn’t absorb the rainwater, causing puddles to form. All of these lawn problems indicate that the soil is compacted, and the grass isn’t growing to its fullest potential. Packer City Turf has the remedy. Lawns like these need aeration, and Packer City Turf has the equipment, training, and expertise to aerate lawns quickly and efficiently.

Lawn Aeration:
Loosens and breaks up the soil to encourage healthy root growth, so grass grows thicker and greener and roots are more disease resistant
Lawn Aeration:
Improves drainage, so rainwater drains properly instead of puddling, so pets and kids can run and play in the yard without getting wet and muddy
Lawn Aeration:
Prevents the buildup of thatch, the layer of organic material on the soil’s surface, which blocks grass roots from the nutrients they need